miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

profile interview

Profile interview.

Art is her soul

Natalia Ramos is a young girl, which is very creative and has many dreams or goals in life as all people do have.  This 20 years old ladylove to read, draw and dance flamenco. All her life has been this artistic.
Natalia has took many illustration courses. The last one was in Paris, where she took a nudist class, in which she learned to know more about human body and had gotten the skills to draw it.
She say she has always dreamed to be an illustrator, but when she thinks about the economy she doesn’t believe, drawing will bring her the sufficient money to cover all her necessities, and less in a place like Mexico. She thinks Mexico is delayed to differentiate between what is aesthetic and what is not; she says, “The socioeconomic levels influence the appreciation of art”.
But she is not given up on her dream. She would  like to marge illustration with film. That’s one of her reasons why is she studying communication and digital media. Other reason why has she selected this carrier is because she likes to tell stories and also analyze them.  She finds interesting how films transmit to people and the impact the films message have on the audience.
 Natalia’s goal is to create content that intrigue people and make them realize many thing they probably don’t see, she would like that people make a reflection about life based on the message she will transmit through the movies.
In the future She sees her working in a producer company making child’s illustrations. Natalia says she would like to do her work thinking in others not on herself and also remove all the commercial structures. She would like to do short films, documental and artistic movies all included with a social message and transmitting catharsis.
She believes all people should try arts and she thinks “any way of artistic expression is valid and makes us freer”.


one of her last illustrations examples.