martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Everything lost in one second.

Sunny day, one Youngman with the strength, faith and courage to train, two Wheels, and one mountain, was everything he needed to destroy his dreams in lees than one minute.

Most of all kids make football his favorite sport. But At the age from four years José Gudiño started riding the bike, being this sport his only one passion in life.

Videos, movies and magazines has given him the inspiration to ride the bicycle not only at the street or at the park, better yet, he decides to train “Down hill” and “freeride”, with only 15 years old.

He has acquired the abilities and technique only practicing by watching experts at youtube, no one else has taught him.
He used to say “My talented satisfies my poor experience”.

He started competing in downhill in the year 2008, in which he traveled around Mexico, trying to accumulate points in their first national championship in which he didn’t get any positions in the category of Elite Youth.
Later in the year 2009 Jose achieve the 1st place on the national Aguascalientes, Calvillo.
 That same year he has successfully positioned in 3rd place of the national championship in the category of Elite Youth.

With plans to go up to the top category after his national podium year, Jose suffers a training accident in which he fell off a cliff of 5 feet tall impacting in the end of a river stone canal , causing a shift in the intervertebral disc located between the vertebrae L4 and L5 lumbar spine.

 After 1 year and two months of continuous sessions of physical rehabilitation, he started riding the bike again against the doctors instructions. Inspired by the conviction to take up the time lost in the way to achieve his dream.

No more than half a year before relapsing into old injury causing another 4 months of rehabilitation and recovery without success. That caused a surgical intervention.

After this surgery, the doctors have recommended him to ever do the sport again, because in future years it could bring him health problems.

He says this is one of his worst moments, the bike was his life, he was depressed.

After a year José realizes that maybe this dream was just for a moment. that glory days are not forever.  So he is happy about everything he has achieve during this period.

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