The mysterious and interesting Huicholes, transmit the real ancestral Mexican culture, in the way how they dress , they physiologic and the handmade products .This people are only in specific places in Guadalajara city.
And if you still don't know where to find them, just go to the cultural floor market at the citys centrum, where you will find this people and the products they sell.
some of you would like to talk with them, but it is not going to be easy. Huicholes are shy people, and they prefer don't to have much eye contact .
even so I am sure people is going to be fascinated with the job of this Mexican artists.
this artisans transmit, different feelings and aspects as society personality, through the colours in they products. I think about peace and life when I see the colours Huicholes use.
you may like how they dress,actualy you would be able to do so, or just able to have a garment to wear in a sunny day .Huicholes make clothes with fancywork and the clothes are cheap.
The cultural market is a may place you have to visit, not only for the Huicholes....
....there are other type of people you may not see anywhere.
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